

2 评论
There is a long time i din touch this blog.

It doesnt mean i give up, since i also din touch my chinese blog as well..

I jz concentrate on my works, and novel writing.

Is it a bit duh? I keep on asking ppl to read them.

As long as i m finding ppl to support me and motivate me.

I m not feeling alright for the current studies...

It made my life sucks.

Although no more ultragagamon, but there is another lecturer who will kill my results.

She cant teach.

Why NEC keeps on hiring retarded ppl? Is she too cheap or wat?

She is one of the lame lecturers i ever met.

I should purify myself.

Dont blame lecturers too much.

I should.

But i couldnt.



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The fate.

It is the fate.

Never say a word.

But it does punishing, and appraising.

Just let it be,

although you were not happy with it.

It will just ignored,

what you've argue.



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I try to practice my English.

Obviously, it doesnt make sense.

I need help.

can someone call the ambulance?




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I would like to ask a question, how could u be a lecturer??

Does it mean, a person who is expert in knowledge of something can be a good lecturer?

I would like to tell you this: Miss, thou thk too MUCH...

Let me ask all of you...is it fair to us, when we made complain but cant receive any respond?

We are student and we are consumer as well.

Why do we need to compromise? since we had paid for something, why we cannot enjoy something tat we deserved to...?

U asked us to respect u. I wonder why not u respect us as well?

By right, u had mentioned the correct and proper exam format.

But i dunno why, u r so hot-tempered.

Will u feel depress when u r studying psychology?

U are not qualified as a psychoanalysis person, or a qualified counselor.

It is too far from ur behavior.

There is a big gap u need to improve. serious.

I cant believe tat u can passed ur master degree in UKM.

Or maybe ur performance was the best among all of UKM students?

Wow...sounds tat u r so proud.


Be a professional lecturer...

I mean, do not be a lecturer who is easily getting mad and simply feel tat she is offended.

Further than tat, u thk we should STUDY BYSELF.

so WAT FOR u enter the class?

for marking our result?

so wat for the classes??????

Is so called participation still needed??

when we really cant COMMUNICATE with u????????

damn it...

U asked us never challenge u..

ya right, ultragagamon.

U win.

U have successfully kill us.



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Jz watch a movie named [Monga]. Taiwan Movie.

It talked bout the friendship and justice.

If u gonna to watch it, please be ready tat u will be very emo after u watched it.

U will LOSE something in ur mind...or GAIN something to ur mind....

I admitted i watched it in PPS...since it will not on show in MALAYSIA, so i watched it in PPS..i knew it may challenge the piracy, but wat to do, i m so eager to watch it..

Ok ok...I have to say SORRY if i really misused this software...but seriously, i dun thk malaysia can find this DVD too....

Anyhow, i really love it...not because those actors, but the story..especially some dialogues...

there is a part says this: 風往哪里吹,草就往哪里倒……我們以 為自己可以是風,可是最后還是遍體鱗傷…才發現,我們都是草.....

and a popular sentence: 意義是三小(means 'wat')?我只懂義氣!

it does mean, something may mean for someone, although it really doesnt make sense...

i hope i have successfully translate it...lol...

well...i thk it is very nice..if u hav the chance to watch it, please don let it go...it does really meaningful for u...

Else, i agree with some comments tat say Ethan might be a gay...lol..quite tat feel...

Watch this trailer, if u curious with it..


Welcome to My Life

2 评论
This is the 1st song before i listened other English songs.

I like this very much.

Rock Pop style.

I love the lyrics. It shows a young teenager's thking.

Original MV:

I m wondering why western songs don have subtitles......~.~


My English

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is bad.

I know.

Wat i can do may just watch more movies as wat my sis suggested.

Or listen more songs?

Anyone can recommend some?

I wan pop songs, pop singers...lol.....

Of coz, if there are some nice songs but not too popular, u oso can tell me....

I know it is too late to start to learn english now.

I will try tat i able to try.

Give me some claps la....since i m so studious....lolllllll....