

There is a long time i din touch this blog.

It doesnt mean i give up, since i also din touch my chinese blog as well..

I jz concentrate on my works, and novel writing.

Is it a bit duh? I keep on asking ppl to read them.

As long as i m finding ppl to support me and motivate me.

I m not feeling alright for the current studies...

It made my life sucks.

Although no more ultragagamon, but there is another lecturer who will kill my results.

She cant teach.

Why NEC keeps on hiring retarded ppl? Is she too cheap or wat?

She is one of the lame lecturers i ever met.

I should purify myself.

Dont blame lecturers too much.

I should.

But i couldnt.

2 评论:

alex 说...

simple... after graduation u go be NEC lecturer... return the favour back to society... haha

克逸夫 Keith 说...

i will ask for a higher pay..duno nex able to pay me or not....lollll
